Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Action Research Plan

I teach 1st – 5th grade GT and I have a different grade each day. I only see my students once a week so communication with the parents can be a little difficult. I would also like a way to share what we’re doing in class using pictures as well as comments. I use a calendar that stays in the students’ folders but it is more for important dates. I have used a newsletter in the past. However, it is very time consuming and most of the time I find them in the students’ folders weeks later. Many people use Facebook and I believe that the parents would find it easier to stay up to date using this particular type of social media.
Is communication between the parent and the teacher enhanced with the use of Facebook? 

Action Research Plan
Goal: Enhance parent/teacher communication with the use of Facebook.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Survey parents about availability of internet, use of Facebook, and thoughts on parent/teacher communication

Jodie Allex
September 2013
Parent letter and spreadsheet to track answers
Results from survey
Find articles from educator websites and journals that relate to parent/teacher communication

Jodie Allex
September 2013 to November 2013
Internet resources, district personnel, conversations with other teachers and parents
Interpret data relative to an elementary classroom
Set up & begin using class Facebook group

Jodie Allex
Late September 2013 to May 2014
Letter to parents explaining how to access the group
Monitor the number of parents who joined the group
Survey parents about the use of the Facebook group: satisfaction with information & ease of use
Jodie Allex

December 2013
Parent letter and spreadsheet to track answers
Results from survey
Make changes to amount of postings & pictures based on the results from the second survey
Jodie Allex
January 2014
Spreadsheet from second survey
Monitor Facebook group to see how many parents log on
Final parent survey about Facebook group
Jodie Allex
May 2014
Spreadsheet from final survey
Compare results from all three surveys
Share results with other teachers and site supervisor
Jodie Allex
August 2014
Results of action research plan
Feedback from other teachers and site supervisor


  1. I was wondering if you considered using Survey Monkey for your surveys? The program will disseminate the information for you and it will be another technology aspect for your research project.

  2. Great idea. I think parents would like the ease of using Facebook. One thought, are you able to use Facebook at school?

  3. I agree with Carrie about the Survey Monkey but you have to remember that not everyone has access to the internet. Maybe you can have both a survey on the net as well as a paper survey.

    What I was wondering is how are you going to know if parents got on Facebook? I think that the only way you will know someone got on is if they comment or like something.

  4. I was wondering what your backup plan is if parents don't want to participate on facebook.

  5. What about using Google Docs for your survey?
